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5 weeks and counting

It’s been a while since we last blogged. Our write ups tend to evolve around our travels and now that we are ‘locked down’ due to Covid-19, we have to find other ways to entertain ourselves and our readers.

How are you experiencing lock down? Going stir crazy already?! We are all experiencing this situation differently. For me, I am taking this time to reconnect with myself. Daily yoga practice (thanks Alomoves!), runs in the park with my dog - yep stamina is at all time high - learning new things, and catching up on some yummy home cooking. Oh, and let’s not forget the occasional glass of wine while my Netflix is doing overtime. With all of the above good vibes, I guess my ‘terror’ is under control!

Like everyone, I do experience some frustration not being able to move around freely, to see my friends, go out for a nice meal or a catch up - but I know I will appreciate it all even more when we are out of this! So I never take life, health, my freedom (and a holiday!) for granted.

Another good thing that has come out of this home-bound situation is that I have been able to clean up my house, clean out closets, and I made lots of space for new stuff when this is all over... !! We all need to try a kick-start the economy right?! But honestly, all jokes a side, the first thing I really want to do is actually hug my mom. I know this might not be possible as we are thousand miles apart; so I will ’settle’ with a beach walk and a nice dinner with friends!

We are all at different stages of lockdown and are experiencing it differently - terror or no terror. You might be out already, or coming out of it soon, and some of us might still have to be a bit more patience - don’t let it get to you - this too shall pass - we are all in this together and we’ll get out of this together. See you all soon for a new travel/lifestyle adventure!

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